Missions exist because worship in every nation, tribe and tongue does not.
Here is how we seek to be obedient to our Lord’s Great Commission.
- Giving/Supporting. Over 10% of our budget is directed toward missions, with a growing amount targeted toward reaching the least reached peoples in the 10/40 Window.
- Praying. For the Persecuted Church, mission agencies and missionaries.
- Sending. As God raises up believers to serve in the world, CCC is committed to helping them make this cross-cultural move through prayer and financial support.
- Going. Whether it is one of our pastors doing theological education in a cross-cultural context or by sending a team to help support an orphanage in Guadalajara, Mexico; CCC is devoted to being involved beyond our borders by strengthening churches and missionaries in their long-term gospel work.
- Serving our City. By participating in local opportunities to serve the poor and disadvantaged in our area.